The next day I received a message from Laroon. He was bounding up the stairs from the Takotah alley before I could finish reading it.

These pages are my journey, my story, my path. They are not meant to cover up, but to reveal. Sometimes in poem, sometimes in story sometimes clear, sometimes vague, sometimes long, sometimes brief. But the release of these words is a soothing elixir to my burdened soul. The words must flow from me, or I will die.
"Yeesha's journals?" I asked. Laroon nodded
"I thought they might give us some insights into the glyphs." I agreed and we returned to the apartment. I thought about what Laroon had given me and hoped it would fill in the gaps. This puzzle, if it is a puzzle, seems to be missing a few pieces. Maybe this is what we've been looking for.
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