Thursday, December 29, 2011
Thank you Vinnie...
As some of you may know: I acquired a bottle of Vinnie's finest some time ago in Ae'gura and have been keeping it in my Relto for a special occasion. That time has finally come - an old friend of mine was fired from his job. Being as I haven't gotten to spend much time with him of late this seems like a prime chance. That said, Thank you Vinnie. Your bottle will not go to waste.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Linking. . .

I'll never forget my first link. I was so shocked that I thought I would be sick - finding myself on Relto with no idea what had just happened to me. I must have lain there for hours until finally getting my bearings and making my way into the hut. I took Yeesha's journey; eventually jumped into the star fissure time and time again - each being a test of faith; and one that I took very seriously. The first time I found myself in a Bahro cave I didn't know what to do once I realized my Relto book wasn't working. I listened time and again to Yeesha's words hoping to find some way to escape and then I finally made the jump.
When I found my way to the bahro caves a second time I knew what needed to be done but that didn't make it any easier. With each jump I felt my body tense up and I would struggle not to scream as I fell into that starry expanse; each time linked away to Relto. I guess you could say that this place means a lot to me as these feelings of anxiety have never really diminished and yet still I return. I have found a way. I have made my home.
My Apologies
I'd like to apologize to everyone for my lack of updates of late. The internet connection here has been really crummy of late and has only just been fixed. Long story short - it's finally been fixed; so I'll be able get on with my updates. Here's for a new post soon!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
A little Yuletide cheer
It's officially Christmas in the cavern as Sharper has put up a tree in his office. My time on the surface used to consist of school, school, and more school; and now that school has ended I'm finding myself filling the hours with all kinds of things. A great example is that this past week I've been able to work up at the Big House. There's still a lot of work that needs to be done there, but it just keeps looking better and better. Dean was able to help me today.
We were able to tear some dead branches out of the trees around the place. We also we able to clear a large part of the trail too. Great progress on all accounts.
Time away from school has also given me time to read again. It has been much too long; so to celebrate I've decided to reread The Fellowship of the Ring!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
This is a rough working of a song I first played last night. I think I'm heading in the right direction here.
Crooked Jack by EstoCentura
Crooked Jack by EstoCentura
Just a few more days...
Just a few more days and then I'll be free of school obligations. At least for a while. Last night I realized have several projects on the back burner. So as not to let anymore pile up, I'm going to knock out as many of them as I can. Many of them are song projects, so I'll be experimenting with recording and the like over break as well. Perhaps I'll even be able to post a few here. Still working on getting that family jam session up.
Rehgehstoy is a different matter though. It is definitely one of those projects that'll take time. The D'ni were nothing if not patient so I'll have to be doubly patient if I want to understand the art enough to get what I want on paper. Eventually, I'll have to do something about supplies being how the special ink and paper required for Rehgehstoy are difficult to acquire. I remember Tweek talking about journeying into the city proper in search of supplies. It should be worth investigating. I guess there's always the guild of writers to consider too.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Big news for the cavern
The all guilds' meeting was this past Saturday; explorers were so great in number we had to relocate to the Guild of Messengers' hood. I believe the total was 63; absolutely incredible. The first bit of news was very exciting. Trekluver has been in contact with Cyan and has taken it upon himself to revive the Guild of Greeters. These "New Greeters" are currently accepting applications for members. I for one find this very encouraging.
Annabelle brought us news of her latest marker quests and plans to release even more in the coming months. While I've never been one to participate in these I'm always glad to see others working to bring life to the cavern.
The Guild of Writers didn't have an official representative at this meeting, J'Kla and Lunanne spoke about Rehgehstoy. Their discussion gave me hope that one day I would be able to write an age.
The next point of interest regarded an on-going 'plague' of people in the cavern who seem bent on harassing others. Apparently a few people have been tinkering around with the KI in hopes to find a way of dealing with these griefers. There is great promise in their work. Hoikas of the Guild of Writers has apparently been involved and has a semi-working version. Having been one of many who has dealt with these griefers, I will be keeping an eye on the development of this KI functionality.
The next topic at the meeting was semi-related. Here JWPlatt, Mac, and Rarified discussed opening a testing ground for experiments in the cavern and made mention of various experiments already in progress (such as the KI upgrades mentioned above) with hopes of sharing their results with the public in the future.
Last but not least the Guild of Messengers made an announcement regarding their new magazine The Cavern Post, as well as mentioning that Nev'yn is actively helping to reorganize and reactivate the Cavern Criers. This would be accompanied by a new regularly occurring KI-mail of news also called The Cavern Post.
I have to say, being at the meeting was truly a great experience. It's always good to see so many others wanting to continue life in the cavern. I once heard someone say "...We are the new D'ni people..." and I couldn't agree more.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
A Semesters End...
The semester is wrapping up. I probably could have worked harder this semester but I'm glad it's over. That's enough surface talk though. It's below that I keep returning to. The song Adelia asked me to help with is coming along nicely. With any luck it will be 'finished' pretty soon, depending on how determined I am to work up various instrumentations for it. I'm pretty satisfied with it. Lyrics were never my strong point but with lyrics to use as framework I think I've managed to come up with a decent piece of music.
John Paul returned to the cavern with me a few nights ago and we decided to explore Payiferen. Still no sign of wildlife, though I'm sure it's there. Dean's told me stories of creatures that come with the sandstorm. I hope to catch sight of them soon. As for Negilahn: I'm becoming less enthusiastic about leaving the pod. Increasingly I find myself wary of the strange creatures within, and while fascinating, I think it may just be safer to stay inside the pod.
I believe there will be an All Guilds' Meeting this Saturday in Kirel. I know I plan on attending. While I may not be a guilds member, I believe the driving force of the cavern to be in The Guilds. While the DRC definitely had their problems, the restoration of The Guilds was probably the best decision they could have made. There are also rumors that a big announcement will be made so I won't miss it for the world. I'll try to take a KI log of the whole event as I know several are interested but unable to attend.
John Paul returned to the cavern with me a few nights ago and we decided to explore Payiferen. Still no sign of wildlife, though I'm sure it's there. Dean's told me stories of creatures that come with the sandstorm. I hope to catch sight of them soon. As for Negilahn: I'm becoming less enthusiastic about leaving the pod. Increasingly I find myself wary of the strange creatures within, and while fascinating, I think it may just be safer to stay inside the pod.
I believe there will be an All Guilds' Meeting this Saturday in Kirel. I know I plan on attending. While I may not be a guilds member, I believe the driving force of the cavern to be in The Guilds. While the DRC definitely had their problems, the restoration of The Guilds was probably the best decision they could have made. There are also rumors that a big announcement will be made so I won't miss it for the world. I'll try to take a KI log of the whole event as I know several are interested but unable to attend.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Defeated for the time being
My plan was to share a recording of a jam session I had with my family tonight. As of now I haven't been able to work out the kinks in the code. Defeated? For now. I'll work on it again soon but seeing as I have a long journey ahead of me tomorrow I'll have to give it a break for now...
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Some shots from home
Some shots from home, a set on Flickr.
A Not So Black Friday...
Today has really been a great day. I got to spend some time with my old friend Elijah; with any luck we'll be able to hang out again tomorrow. Regardless, if we're able to get in touch with him again, Dean said he'd be interested in hanging out again. I remembered to get home with my KI this time too so I'll see what I can do about getting some quick images of home before heading back to Greensboro in a few days.
It seems my project plate may never run dry. This past month has been great for that. Starting with some volunteer work for the TCT guys, participating in what is now known as The Salt Shaker Society, being invited to perform at the DMR, and now collaborating with several people on new music for the cavern I feel that my desire to give back to the cavern is becoming a reality.
Friday, November 25, 2011
This is why I love URU
they say a picture is worth a thousand words. So here's a few from tonight. A great time was had by all.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Some time on the surface
I've missed home. It always feels good to come back and now I'm back for the holidays - filled with a mix of emotions. I woke up this morning with a job to do. After 16 and a half years the time has come to put our family dog down. Having just got back from the vet I can say that while I will always miss her I think we made the right decision.
Too often I have seen our animals suffer from old age and I have said farewell to many pets. Sassy had a hard life but we tried to give her the best home we could. I feel we gave her a well deserved rest after her journey. Mother told me a week ago this would be happening but I asked that she would wait until I arrived home. I'm glad I was able to be there. Dearest Sassafras, rest in peace.
Monday, November 21, 2011
I wonder if I could find a ResEng...
Recent journeys to the pod ages have given me concern. I fear the state of the pods may be degrading. A recent trip to Dereno with Sophia led to a discovery of what I believe to be new cracks in the pod though the equipment in the pod seems to be functioning correctly. To further my concerns, the state of Tetsonot worries me greatly.
Yesterday I traveled there with Dean and John Paul only to find the pod is flooded. While I could find no source for the water (and yes I'm aware the pod is underwater) I believe this to the be source for other electrical issues present in the pod. The lights have become increasingly erratic and at times I find myself wondering whether this pod is safe to be in. That said, I will probably not be returning anytime soon unless I manage to acquire a wet vac or some other means to siphon the water from the pod.
On a semi related note, I have been making tweaks to my KI and hope to have an improved image capture method soon. This is of particular interest to this blog, as obtaining a related image is often the limiting factor in my updates. Recent experiments have proven promising. Here's to better pictures!
Don't drink the lake water
I would just like to remind everyone that comes to the cavern: Do Not Drink the Lake Water. I have seen far too many explorers of late acting under the influence. That said, I hope we can all keep this in mind and let the lake water run its course.
I've found myself performing frequently in Ae'gura and I'm not the only one. Griz plays guitar and sings on a regular basis. Every now and then we have a newcomer share their talents as well. For example, a few nights ago Sofia shared her wonderful voice with everyone in the cavern. I look forward to seeing who else comes to share their gifts as well. Everyone really seems to enjoy it. It seems to bring people together.
On a related note. Last night, during one of our sessions we were approached by a woman named Christine who has asked us to participate in a concert at the D'ni Musicological Research Bevin. She mentioned that the concert would be streamed in such a manner that those in the cavern and those outside would be able to take part. This seems like a great opportunity. I wouldn't miss it for the world. I sent her an e-mail regarding the project so I guess now all we have to do is wait and prepare. There really is no place like URU.
I've found myself performing frequently in Ae'gura and I'm not the only one. Griz plays guitar and sings on a regular basis. Every now and then we have a newcomer share their talents as well. For example, a few nights ago Sofia shared her wonderful voice with everyone in the cavern. I look forward to seeing who else comes to share their gifts as well. Everyone really seems to enjoy it. It seems to bring people together.
On a related note. Last night, during one of our sessions we were approached by a woman named Christine who has asked us to participate in a concert at the D'ni Musicological Research Bevin. She mentioned that the concert would be streamed in such a manner that those in the cavern and those outside would be able to take part. This seems like a great opportunity. I wouldn't miss it for the world. I sent her an e-mail regarding the project so I guess now all we have to do is wait and prepare. There really is no place like URU.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
I wound up in the cavern early last night. What a night it was. Started off by honing my climbing skills in Ae'gura. After a few attempts I was able to reach my goal; obtaining a new view of the cavern. Sitting up there I got to thinking: as much as I love the cavern, there really is no place here that I can call my own. Sure there's Relto, but it has never really felt like home.
Years ago I had taken notes on a concept for an age. As of now, I don't know where those notes are but with Adelia's encouragement I have decided to revive that project. I suppose I should join the Guild of Writers if I really want to see this through. I believe there are guild meetings in Kirel the first weekend of every month. I should look into that.
As things go, Griz showed up and with the coming of two explorers, Eric and Pingo, the rest of the night found many explorers gasping for air between laughs. I won't go into the details but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
Years ago I had taken notes on a concept for an age. As of now, I don't know where those notes are but with Adelia's encouragement I have decided to revive that project. I suppose I should join the Guild of Writers if I really want to see this through. I believe there are guild meetings in Kirel the first weekend of every month. I should look into that.
As things go, Griz showed up and with the coming of two explorers, Eric and Pingo, the rest of the night found many explorers gasping for air between laughs. I won't go into the details but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Gordie has had a bit of an itch lately. It all started when I showed him a message that RAWA left on the board.
Since sharing this message with him he's been wondering about the existence of the cavern. I really just want to tell him it's all real and share my relto book with him but this is a journey he has to take on his own. I'll help though...
N32 17.997, W104 16.448
Maybe I can convince Zandi to help. Even if he can't I'll leave the pieces myself.
"For those who just care about Myst and Riven as stand-alone, immersive experiences, you can do that.... If, however, you want to dig deeper into the story behind those games, the novels are there. If you want to dig even deeper, To D'ni, PreAfter, and Uru were/are there. If you want to dig deeper still... study the history of New Mexico, brush up on your quantum mechanics, and grab a shovel."
Since sharing this message with him he's been wondering about the existence of the cavern. I really just want to tell him it's all real and share my relto book with him but this is a journey he has to take on his own. I'll help though...
N32 17.997, W104 16.448
Maybe I can convince Zandi to help. Even if he can't I'll leave the pieces myself.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
I can already smell the cornbread

Monday, November 14, 2011
A New Journey
I just got back from New Mexico and already I feel the need to return. It always amazes me how against all odds such a project as this is still going. This time I spent some time with Zandi. We discussed this journey that so many have taken and how new people still come to the cleft. The Call has never really ended. Zandi mentioned that he would need to head into town to get some supplies. He asked me to hold down the fort until he returned. I accepted gladly. Honestly, I'm not sure how Zandi is able to handle being out here all the time. I think that I would get entirely too lonely out here but somehow he makes it. Ever dedicated.
As often as I make this journey I spend so little time here on the surface; especially with so much history here. Living history. I took Yeesha's journey years ago and still I find a solace in her words. The last thing she told us was "Find a way. Make a home." and I can honestly say we have done that. The DRC is long gone but the cavern still lives. The DRC were never a crucial part to cavern life in any case. I hear those who have been here longer than I often speak of the DRC in a less than positive light. While I never had many dealings with them, it seems that with the DRC gone there is a lot less tension in the cavern.
I'm so glad that this place has remained intact over the years. How different my life would have been had I not come here all those years ago. Yeesha's Journey and the Called still remain. We have found a way. We have made a home.
I'm so glad that this place has remained intact over the years. How different my life would have been had I not come here all those years ago. Yeesha's Journey and the Called still remain. We have found a way. We have made a home.
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